domenica 31 gennaio 2010


Ultimamente mi sono dedicato alla ricerca di qualche libro da aggiungere ai sacri testi VW.
Anni fa mi ero procurato "How to Hot Rod Vollkswagen Engine" e "How to rebuilt your Volkswagen Engine".
Lately I have spent time looking for some books to add to the sacred VW texts. Years ago I bought "How to Hot Rod Vollkswagen engine" and "How to Rebuilt Your Volkswagen Engine".

Solo recentemente ho scoperto una serie di libri degli anni '70 editi da Petersen, famoso per le sue "Complete book of ..."
Sono 4 libri, io ho acquistato i primi tre che sono stati pubblicati nel '69, '71 e '73.
Just recently I discovered a book series published by Petersen 70s, famous for its "Complete book of ... "  They are 4 books, I bought the first three that were published in '69, '71 and '73.

Mi manca l'ultimo, quello del '76, ma in questo volume si perde un pò il filone vintage; infatti tratta anche di Maggioloni, Scirocco e Golf. Lo acquisterò solo perchè le collezioni mi piacciono complete.
I missed the last, that of '76, but in this volume it's less interesting because you can find some about SuperBeetle, Scirocco and Rabbit. I will buy it just because I hate an uncomplete collection.

Beetle power - The People's car - VW engines all alike ? Hardly - Bolt on horsepower - Adding performance - How much HP can you afford ? - HP rating, real or imaginary ? - Ignition - Carburation - Exhaust - Cylinder heads - Piston & Cylinders - Crankshafts - Lubrication, Cooling & Breathing - Camshaft & Valve Train - Blueprinting - Engine assembly - Supercharging - Porsche engine for your VW ? - Installing '66 and later engines in earlier chassis - Converting Flat engines to upright - Corvair power - Stability & the Beetle - Handling - Parts information

Time to rebuilt ? - Engine removal - Parts identification & interchange - Teardown - Crankcase & Cylinder reconditioning - Cylinder head reconditioning - Engine assembly - Engine installation, Break-in, Tuneup - Index

Little bug everywhere ! - Fun with your Beetle - These kookie street machines - Dressing up your Bug - Off-road buggies for competition - Basic tuning for performance - Troubleshooting the Beetle - The unique Volkswagen engine - Engine swaps - Volkswagen ignition - Fuel system & carburation - The electrical system - Volkswagen brakes - Bolt-on performance : stage 1 - Total performance : stage 2 - Shelling your Beetle - Sports buggies for the street - Birth of a buggy - The changing unchanging bugs - Complete suppliers directory

Bugs gone buggy - Different Volks for different folks - Living with a VW - Puff, the mighty Beetle - Bug-ins - Soul Beetle - Snubbing a bug - Binders for Beetles - Variation for the Volks - The flight of the Iguana - A bird ? a Plane ? No, it's a super 'V' - Diggin' 'dub - Bud's cage - Bee'ware of the stut's sting - Back-breaking bug - Lowry's tera-rizer - The brother's blue Lightning - Dirty's digger - Chopping a chopper - Giong Buggy in the midwest - Those striped bugs - Space age dealer diagnosis - RX for tired bugs - Formula Vee - The club scene - Making it your  VW - Dress-up, Hop up goodies - Valving a Vee-dub - How to gauge a bug - Camber capers - Volksvair - Preview : VW's around the world - Driving impression K70 - Driving impression 411 - One for the road - Baja hambug! - Weekend tune-up - Performance in's and out's - What VW is that ? - Fun box on wheels - "Dig"-nifying the 'dub - Help your VW keep its cool - Tech data

Small miracle - Recycling the Volks - Bacaen's Lightning bug - Buildable kit GT car - Boulevard bugs - Street legal rock buster - Lubrication & maintenance - Tooling up for low cost maintenance - Cure by computer - Tune-up time - How to : [fuel pump rebuild - Solex 28 PICT rebuild - Electronic fuel injection - Clutch plate rebuilt - 4 speed manual rebuild - Automatic SS rebuild - Type1 engine rebuild - Exhaust system maintenance Wheel cylinder rebuild - Drum brake reline - Disc brake reline - Ball join seal replacement - Emission control system - Directional switch replacement - Wheel bearing repack - Starter solenoid and brush replacement - Generator maintenance] - Those incredible racing sedan - Desert dasher - Transaxle tricks - Air-cooled circle burner - An inch in time - Baja's last hurrah - Wall-to-wall VW's - Beetle camper conversion

giovedì 21 gennaio 2010

venerdì 8 gennaio 2010


Per completare il cruscotto, che per ora ha beneficiato solo del Grant e dei pomelli in legno della EMPI, ho pensato di ampliare la strumentazione.
To complete the dashboard, which now has only benefited by Grant and wooden knobs of EMPI, I thought to expand the instrumentation.

Contagiri, pressione olio, temperatura olio forniscono tutte le informazioni necessarie, Empi, Speedwell, S&W, VDO sono i marchi più conosciuti.
Tachometer, oil pressure, oil temperature provide all necessary information. Empi, Speedwell, S&W, VDO are the best known brands.

A me piacciono le cose semplici e diverse dal solito, quindi ho deciso di limitarmi al contagiri ed alla temperatura dell'olio.
La cosa più difficile è trovare strumenti che funzionino a 6 volts senza dover usare dei survultori con tutti i fastidi che ne conseguono.
I like things simple and different from usual, so I decided to search only for the tachometer and the oil temperature. The hardest thing has been to find out gauges operating at 6 volts.

Alla fine ho trovato una coppia di Motometer in Germania e ringrazio David per avermeli venduti.
Per avere un cruscotto semplice penso che monterò solo il contagiri.
After a while I found in Germany a pair of Motometer and thanks to David for selling them to me. To have a simple dashboard I think I will mount only the tachometer.

sabato 2 gennaio 2010